Register today by clicking here!
From now until November 30th is early registration, which means each player you register gets $50 off of the full registration fee – EXCEPT for Juniors (see below). The registration fee for the AA, AAA & Major divisions is $200 ($150 for early bird). This is due to the fact that they are all in the same pool. If you register your kid for AAA, it is not because he is going to play AAA, it is because he falls in the age parameters for kids who play AAA. TRYOUTS AND THE DRAFTS (not just age) WILL DETERMINE WHAT DIVISION A PLAYER WILL PLAY IN. So, if you want your kid to play in Majors but can only register him for AAA – that’s because of his/her age. Go ahead and register him/her for AAA, and if s/he has a good tryout and other favorable attributes, s/he will be drafted into the Majors. This also applies to kids who, by age, must register for AA but want to play AAA. Remember, unless they qualify for a waiver, all 12 year olds will play in Majors and all 11 year olds who are not drafted in the Majors will play in AAA.
One of the reasons we give a discount to early registrants is that we want to get an accurate picture of how many kids will register and how many managers and coaches we will need to recruit. However, for Juniors we already know that we will only have room to accept a maximum of 39 kids (to make 3 teams of 13). So, if you are thinking about signing your kid up for Juniors, please do so NOW. The other anomaly for the Junior division is that registration is a flat $250 fee. There is no additional volunteer fee. The reason we will not be charging a $100 volunteer fee for the Junior division is that they have so few chances to earn back their volunteer fee. However, the Junior division is the most expensive to run because we pay more for their umpires (games run longer) and their uniforms (they get nice uniforms because they play hard). So, for the league not to lose money on the Junior division we charge a flat fee of $250 for each kid. However, managers of Juniors teams will still earn a $100 refund at the end of the season.
However, if you have a child who was born before 9/1/2013, you’ll need to request a waiver for him/her to tryout for AA. Please send that request to President@LPPLL.com Requests for a waiver should be accompanied by a recommendation from you child’s manager from last year.
Also, if you will need financial assistance this year, you will need to email President@LPPLL.com . Requests for financial assistance are always confidential.
The other item to be prepared to upload is your child(ren)’s proof of residency. The Medical Release Forms will be required but you can be produced at Tryouts (Jan. 11 & 12) for AA-Juniors and the first practice for Tball and Rookie – more info will come regarding tryouts, opening day, and schedules. To receive update emails ensure your email is correct during registration and ensure you provide a secondary contact.