Make up day for pictures is Wed., April 30, from 4:45-5:30P.
Category Archives: Blog
Thank you “Chipotle Sunday”
Thanks to all who participated in LPPLL’s “Chipotle Sunday” fundraiser.
With the help of a community partner and your support, we raised nearly $800 in needed funds for our league.
Picture Day Schedule
Don't forget that Picture Day is TODAY, Sunday, April 6, 2014
Chipotle Sunday, April 6th
Don't forget, from 3-8 pm.
Thank you Parent Volunteers
Thank you to the parent volunteers who have stepped up to manage the snack shack this season. Dooley Field would not be the same without your generous help.
Tuesday 4/1 – All Games Cancelled
ALL GAMES FOR TUESDAY, 4/1, ARE CANCELLED due to wet weather and poor field conditions. Make up games will be rescheduled through division representatives.
Volunteer Opportunities
LPPLL is an all-volunteer-run organization. For the past 60 years, our league has grown successfully because of the ongoing commitment of our members and the community. There always are ways to volunteer.
Monday, 3/31 – All Games Are Cancelled
ALL GAMES FOR MONDAY, 3/31, ARE CANCELLED due to poor field conditions.
Make up games will be rescheduled through division representatives.
Thank you Bob Taylor & Gary Jakobs!
Thanks to our dedicated volunteers Majors Division Representative Bob Taylor (also our League Safety Officer and AA manager) and Majors Cardinals Manager Gary Jakobs, who spent hours last night and this morning blowing, sweeping, raking and tarping the fields so that we could play 6 make up games today!
Final Field Work Day – March 15th
Saturday March 15th
Location: Leonardo DaVinci Baseball Field & Doc Oliver Baseball Field/Land Park
9:00am to 3:00pm
A minimum of 10-15 volunteers are needed.
Volunteers will be asked to recut lines, install home plate and base posts for bases, move pitcher’s mound to 46lf, place infield dirt where grass is removed, cut grass, and fill holes/trouble spots on field.
See more volunteer oppourtunites available.