Category Archives: Blog

Team Parent Meeting

Saturday, March 8
3:00 pm 
California Middle School — cafeteria
Get all of the information your team needs to make the 2014 season run smoothly.

Field work days create volunteer opportunities


Due to the high volume of rain, both of the upcoming field work days are postponed.  Time is tight and we need your help to get ready for the 2014 season.    Shovels and wheel barrels are needed at each work day.  If you have one and can bring it, it is greatly appreciated.  For questions, contact

Saturday, March 8th
Location:  Land Park LP5 and LP3R
9:00am to 3:00pm

  • A minimum of 15 – 20 volunteers are needed to get the fields ready.
  • Volunteers on LP5 will recut lines, cut infield down to 60lf base path, install home plate and base posts for bases, move pitcher’s mound to 46lf, place infield dirt where grass is removed, fill holes and trouble spots on field.
  • LP3R (T-ball Field) volunteers will remove grass around bases, install home plate, place infield dirt where grass is removed for bases, and fill holes and trouble spots on the field.

 Saturday March 15th
 Location:  Leonardo DaVinci Baseball Field  & Doc Oliver Baseball Field/Land Park
 9:00am to 3:00pm

  • A minimum of 10-15 volunteers are needed.
  • Volunteers will be asked to recut lines, install home plate and base posts for bases, move pitcher’s mound to 46lf, place infield dirt where grass is removed, cut grass, and fill holes/trouble spots on field.

Volunteer umpires needed for AA division

LPPLL is seeking volunteer umpires for its AA division games this season.  Umpires must attend  two training clinics.  Those who attend and ump 2 games will earn his/her volunteer fund fee back and be eligible to work as a volunteer umpire for future games/seasons.

Protective gear will be available for use at games. LPPLL will provide each umpire with a copy of the Little League rule book.  Umpires will need to be familiar with Little League rules as well as our own local rules governing play in the AA division.

The required clinics include:

Rules Clinic
Friday, February 21 
6-9 p.m.
Sheriff's substation, 7000 65th Street, Sacramento.

Mechanics Clinic
Saturday, March 3
9 am – 3 p.m. at Conlin Field
7895 Freeport Blvd. (south of Pocket/Meadowview Road).
This is a brown bag clinic.

Check out our volunteer opportunities page for more ways to help.

Little League Approved Bats

Bat Lists – Find a Bat

  • Full Printable List of 2 1/4 Baseball Bats – For quick reference on the field, with composites included (printable PDF format)
  • Visual List – 2 1/4, Baseball – List of licensed, approved composite-barrel baseball bats for Majors and below for 2013 season
  • Mobile List – Licensed 2 1/4 baseball bats, for convenient and scalable display on smart phones, tablets and other internet-enabled portable digital devices

The composite moratorium only applies to baseball bats with 2 1/4 inch barrels. It DOES NOT apply to any divisions of Little League Softball. Also, there is no list of approved softball bats. In softball, the bat only needs to meet the specifications of Rule 1.10 for a softball bat.

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