Category Archives: Blog

Game Changes This Week (4/15)

Monday & Tuesday: Dooley will be closed. All scheduled snack shack/MOD/DOD shifts will be postponed until later in the season.

Wednesday: AA Yankees vs. Mariners (originally scheduled for Monday) will play on Dooley 1 at 5:30.

Thursday: AA Red Sox vs. A’s (originally scheduled for Tuesday) will play on Dooley 1 at 5:30.

Friday – Sunday: No Games Scheduled. Enjoy the weekend!

Game On!

Games and Snack Shack shifts are on as scheduled for tonight (3/25)!

City fields are open as of 3:15pm. It will be up to managers of teams at those fields to stop play if rain starts during the game.

Rain, rain, stay away!

Challenger Day is this Sunday!

Challenger is a division of Little League for children with physical and developmental disabilities. These families play on Sundays at different Little League fields, and this Sunday 3/24 LPP hosts at Dooley. We need adult volunteers in the snack shack and players aged 10 & up, to volunteer on the field as buddies. We also invite you and your kids to fill the stands side by side with Challenger families to cheer on a great game. Game starts at 12:00 on Dooley 1 and lasts about an hour. We hope you join us for a great day!

To volunteer your player to be a buddy, please email


The parade will begin at 8:00 with opening ceremonies to follow at 9:00 am. Your team parent will be in contact with more details. Get ready for a fun-filled season!