Fall Ball starts on Tuesday, September 4th and will run through October 14th.
This year we have a few changes to Fall Ball that will help bring about a better instructor to player ratio, more repetitions and a better overall experience for those who choose the full Fall Ball program. It will include the following:
Two AA or AAA teams practice/drills/stations (24 players) on Dooley 2
One Major team practice/drills/stations (12 players) on Dooley 1
Two AAA or AA teams practice/drills/stations (24 players) on Dooley 2
One Major team practice/drills/stations (12 players) on Dooley 1
Majors or Minors Drills/Scrimmages (except 1st week)
Minors or Majors Drills/Scrimmages (except 1st week)
Games for all divisions (Times and locations TBD)
We are looking to partner with Pocket and East Sac Little Leagues to have Sunday games against their leagues, so some games may be played at their fields.
REGISTRATION FOR FULL FALL BALL INSTRUCTION WILL BE LIMITED, and include two practices a week with games on Sundays, SO REGISTRATION BY THIS WEEKEND IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Fee will be $125 per player.
REGISTRATION FOR GAMES ONLY WILL BE LIMITED. Those who get put on the wait lists will be included once we know how many volunteers we will have to manage, coach and umpire. Fee will be $75 per player.
And if your question is, Do you need to fill out another medical consent questionnaire? the answer is Yes!