Grab your kiddos and their teammates, your family and friends, your colleagues and neighbors for not one but TWO exciting events and opportunities we have in the next few days. First – join us for our annual LPP Little League Day at this Sunday’s River Cats game – complete with a parade for players! See the attached flyer, and you can also use the link here to get your tickets. The league gets some of these proceeds, too, which benefits our kids big time. As I suggested, grab a group and come on out; it should be a beautiful day for some baseball by the river. Then, after that fun-filled day with the River Cats, who wants to cook dinner on Monday night? Short answer: NO ONE! We have another Dine Out event this Monday, 4/29, at the Chipotle on Freeport from 5pm-9pm. For every item or meal purchased, the league gets a slice of the proverbial burrito bowl pie, so come on out and help us out — both at the same time. Just show the cashier the flier our league sent out in email or on our Facebook page. Lastly, if you can’t make it to either of these – we get it! Life is busy. You can still help us out by sharing these with your friends and family on social media. You don’t have to be part of our league to support our league. 🙂 Cheers to LPP! |